Current Affair

This is inspired in all the relationships I’ve been in. The constant problem that I see is that the other person is never fully committed, when they see something they don’t like, they try to destroy me and then kick me out… and then is as if nothing. Anyway enjoy!

Current Affair

This complicated relationship
Should it be as complicated?
When I say what I mean
But I don’t mean what I say
All of these things
That I carry inside
That I wish you would want
That I wish you would heal
But it’s just a burden
That to you doesn’t belong
And that’s why baby
No matter how strong
You say you love me
You’ll leave me alone.

This complicated way of seeing things
Oh, they would be so fucking simple
If I would let them be
But I’m so afraid
That if I do, then they’ll turn
Into something unmanageable
And then you’ll turn against me
I’m so damn afraid
That if I let you undo me
That’d be the end of me.

Oh, how sweet of you
To not give a fuck
Until it seems like too late
You should’ve rescued me
When I was pleading
And begging “come please”
“Please come to my rescue”
As you derided me and replied
“You’re man enough to rescue yourself”
So how is that love?
So how is that compassion?
How is that mercy
In any way or form?
If you only live for the passion
Of the one who is hurt
Of the one who is scorned
Oh, baby, baby
Open your eyes
The wounds you haven’t healed yet
Have your name written on them
Is the baggage that you’ve inherit
That you deny of inheritance.

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